We hold employee safety dearly to our heart. PDS telecom has developed a comprehensive Health and Safety program in areas of job site safety, procedural and field operations. They offer ample knowledge to help identify, solve and report potential hazardous situations.
Our employees are highly accountable and dedicated to assess, prevent, and resolve issues to avoid causing personal injuries, injuries to those around them, property damage and occupational illness. All employees are WHMIS and first aid certified.
We mandate safety training in correlation to specific work field and equipment involved. Our employees adhere to occupational safety and health regulations and are trained to test, operate and maintain equipment in safe working conditions.
All PDS Telecom�s sub-contractors must demonstrate the same level of accountability by providing Health and Safety policy documents, Fall protection training certificate, First Aid, WHMIS certificate as well as proofs of Commercial Liability insurance and Worker Safety Insurance (WCB and/or Work safe BC).
PDS Telecom strives to maintain high standards in Health and Safety by regularly reviewing and improving our various policies whenever necessary. Copies of our policy and commercial insurance are available upon request.